Exchange to Manchester, United Kingdom

Location: UMIST, Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Date: spring/fall/academic year

Course/credit: up to 15 units of CU-Denver undergraduate or graduate credit

Cost: tuition: $1,900 paid to CU-Denver, all living expenses paid in Australia

Deadline: October 30, 2001 (spring 2002); April 1, 2002 (fall 2002)

Prerequisites: the program is reserved only for CU-Denver students

Contact: OIE (


Both undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to study at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) in what is billed as the hub of England's North Country. With a population of approximately 435,000 Manchester is considered second only to London as a city with a vibrant cultural scene, a lively nightlife, and a thriving industry. UMIST is only a short walk from downtown Manchester with easy access to public transportation, shopping, and major attractions. Getting out of the city is also easy as Manchester is within easy reach of some of the most beautiful countryside in the United Kingdom including: the beautiful Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales, the Lancashire coast as well as the Welsh mountains and coastline.

Course and Credits Information

With an undergraduate population of approximately 900 students and a graduate population of approximately 200 students, UMIST is a specialized university focusing in management, technology, science, and engineering. Subject areas in which undergraduate coursework is offered include: Accounting, Chemistry, Computation, Engineering, Finance, Management, Materials Science, Mathematics and more! Subject areas in which graduate coursework is offered include: Accounting, Computer Science, Computer Systems Design, Engineering, Environmental Technology, Information Systems, International Business, Marketing, Management, Multimedia Technology, and more! The university attracts high quality students from throughout the United Kingdom as well as the world. Founded in 1824 by industrialists, UMIST continues to have close ties to the industrial and commercial sector. As a result, the university produces highly employable students by teaching courses that are extremely applicable to business and industry. Accommodation Two main types of on-campus accommodations are available to students: 1. "Traditional Halls", dormitories in which most meals are provided for students and cooking facilities are limited. 2. "Self-Catering Residences" where students have more access to cooking facilities and must cook all their own meals. Most students in either type of residence hall live in single rooms. Some residence halls are co-ed and others are not. Students applying to live in residence halls should send in their housing application immediately upon acceptance into the program. These applications along with a more detailed housing information will be mailed to students with their acceptance papers or shortly thereafter. If students choose to live in private accommodations, they can receive referrals and assistance from UMIST's Accommodation Office. If a student plans to live in off-campus housing, he or she should arrive two to four weeks prior to the start of classes.


Students make their own flight arrangements. Airfare may range from $650 to $800 per round trip ticket from Denver to Manchester.

Program costs

The following are the estimates for some of the expenses students will incur:

Tuition: $1,800 per semester paid to the University of Colorado at Denver Books: Approximately $200

Accommodations: Approximately $2000 per semester Meals: Approximately $1,500 per semester

Insurance: Provided through ISIC - International Student Identity Card

Transportation: Approximately $1,000 per semester (includes air fare)

Personal Expenses: Approximately $1,800 per semester