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Prague 2001 Summer Program
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Date: June 14 - July 14, 2001
Course/credit: 3 or 6 credits in sculpture and performance art studies
Cost estimate: $2,785 (3 credits), $2,985 (6 credits)
Deadline: April 1, 2002
Prerequisites ?
Contact: OIE or professors Mike Brohman and Penny Cole

The Scottish Sculpture and Performance Art Workshop The Scottish Sculpture Workshop is located in the village of Lumsden in rural West Aberdeenshire. Lumsden (Aberdeenshire) is a small village set in the foothills of the Highlands, between the Coreen Hills and the Ladder Hills. The Scottish Sculpture Workshop is at the north end of the village. In 1979, Fred Bushe took over the buildings of the Strathbogie Bakery, and secured the support of WASPS (Workshops and Artists Studio Provision Scotland) to start the workshop.

Course and Credits Information
Through this program you will be able to study for 3 or 6 CU-Denver credits in Sculpture (FA 4340/5340) and Performance Art (THTR 4560/5560). Students are encouraged to take both classes. Both instructors feel strongly that collaboration between the visual artists and performance artists in this type of program will greatly enhance the work of all involved. The historical and contemporary sculpture and architecture of Scotland and its relationship to the cultural and social record of the country will provide the backdrop to your artistic experience in Scotland. You will apply this knowledge of Scottish culture and develop works that are relevant to your individual identity. The concepts of time, place, and materiality will be investigated. There will be collaborative exercises with performance students that will explore issues of identity construction that are significant in creating personal works of art. Sculptors will work in facilities fully equipped for stone, wood, metal and foundry (iron and bronze). Technical support is provided in all areas. Explore the creative process through exercises designed to tap into your imagination. Scottish literature, both classic and contemporary, will provide the starting point of our exploration of the relationship of words, themes and images to the Scottish countryside, culture and art. You will read the literature, tour the countryside, visit castles and ruins, art museums and galleries, attend ceilidhs and plays as you collect your own impression of Scotland. Theatre/performance artists will find inspiration in the rich cultural heritage at the area. Workshop space will be utilized for mask making and/or puppetry. Sculptors and theatre artists will present and perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival at the conclusion of the program.

Dormitory type accommodations with two kitchen facilities are arranged.

The costs associated with transportation to and from Denver to Edinburgh and within the Lumsden area are not included in the cost of the program. Airfare averages $700-$1,000. International Education will assist the students in making arrangements for the flight to Edinburgh or students may contact travel agents of their own.

Program costs
The program costs are estimated to be $2,785 for 3 hours and $2,985 for 6 hours of CU-Denver credit. Cost includes: $300 program deposit, tuition, fees, accommodation, supplies, trips to Glasgow and Edinburgh, health and medical insurance for the trip (provided with the ISIC card). Cost does not include: round trip airfare, ground transportation, meals, personal expenses .




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