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Amiens Summer Program
Location: Amiens, France
Date: Summer, 2002
Course/credit: 6 credits in French
Cost estimate: $2,360
Deadline: April 1, 2002
Prerequisite ?
Contact: OIE or professor Linda Alcott,

The site of the program is the charming town of Amiens located in the beautiful Picardie region of northern France. Known for its crossroads location, Amiens is located one hour north of Paris by train and within easy access to Germany, Belgium and England. The town will impress you with its quaint shops, river front cafes and forward-looking approach to urban planning with the pedestrian in mind. In addition, as you will quickly discover, Amiens boasts centuries-old architectural wonders that are among some of the most exquisite in all of Europe. You will be captivated by the warm, friendly attitude of this university town and its people as you use your French authentic situations that are guaranteed to improve your foreign language ability and broaden your cultural awareness. Students will have classes at The University of Picardie named after the famous writer, Jules Verne, who wrote most of his novels while living in Amiens. was founded in 1968. About 20,000 students are enrolled in 16 different faculties.

Course and Credits Information
As a participant in the Amiens Travel Study program you will be enrolled in French language and culture courses for which you will earn six hours of UCD Modern Language Credit. These courses will be appropriate to your ability level as ensured by on on-site placement exam. Additional courses such as music, art, literature, business, and civilization may be offered depending on enrollment requests. The total program in Amiens offers you, however, much more than mere classroom experience. Expert guest lecturers in history, economics, and art, visits to the region's legislative chambers, museums, and local businesses, as well as academic excursions to the traditional coastal villages and the historic monuments of Paris are all part of the program itinerary. The university may organize additional weekend excursions, or you may choose to take advantage of free time on the weekends for independent travel. Grading for the course will be based on participation in all classes and activities, various written assignments due during the course of the program, and an analysis of your experience as demonstrated in the final paper due approximately four weeks following the conclusion of the program. The UCD on-site Program Director (Dr. Linda Alcott) is the Instructor of Record and will be responsible for issuing all grades. Since the program is operated through CU-Denver, your transcripts will be issued directly by CU-Denver. Credit for French courses will appear with a grade that counts towards your GPA. You will earn six credits of French language. French language students must meet with the chair of Modern Languages, and a French faculty advisor, prior to participation.

The participants in the Amiens program are housed in one of the University de Picardie residence halls which offer single room accommodation, communal bathrooms, television rooms and security. Meals may be taken in one of the many local bistro-style restaurants, cafes, or in the university cafeteria.

The costs associated with transportation to and from Denver and within the Amiens area are not included in the cost of the program. Airfare averages $700-$900. International Education will assist the students in making arrangements for the flight to Paris. The office of International Education will also assist in making arrangements for the ride to Amiens.

Program costs
The program fee for the summer 2001program will be approximately $3,995 (cost subject to change based on currency exchange). The fee includes the $300 non-refundable deposit, ISIC card, which covers health and medical insurance, tuition, housing, breakfast and some excursions. Transportation costs, meals, and personal expenses are not included in the cost of the program.


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