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Montpellier 2001 Semester/Year Program
EXCHANGE Exchange for business majors - Rennes, France
Location: Rennes International School of Business, Rennes, France
Date: Spring/fall/academic year
Course/credit: up to 15 units of CU-Denver undergraduate or graduate credit
Cost estimate: $1,900 paid to CU-Denver, all living expenses paid in France
Deadline: October 30, 2001 (spring 2002); April 1, 2002 (fall 2002)
Prerequisites the program is reserved only for CU-Denver students
Contact: OIE

Montpellier, which is located on the Mediterranean coast in Southern France. With an approximate population of 300,000, and one of the largest student populations in France, Montpellier is the capital of the French region, Languedoc-Roussillon. Currently, Montpellier plays a predominant role in the expansion of Southern Europe due to its proximity to both Barcelona and the Mediterranean Sea. Montpellier is a highly desirable location for companies who recognize the shift of the European economic center to southern Europe and who wish to expand their operations in this region. As a result, the city and its region have acquired a wealth of technical know-how in numerous fields. Montpellier also has a thriving night life as well as a rich arts and cultural scene. The city is home to many several international dance and music festivals. Montpellier enjoys numerous amounts of sunshine throughout the year, which allows for many pleasant walks along its many nearby beaches. In addition, the "Camargue" and "Cevennes" mountains as well as both Spain and the beautiful and culturally rich region of "Provence" are but "a stone's throw away".

Course and Credits Information
The University of Montpellier II, recently ranked 2nd in research among French universities) offers courses that are taught in English for undergraduate and graduate business majors. Students can earn up to 15 units of academic credit. Subject areas include: Accounting, Business, Communications, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, Web Site Development and more.

The exchange institute will help students find housing. Students have the option of staying with families or in apartments with cooking facilitates. International students are also matched with a 'buddy' upon their arrival to Montpellier, who can help the student to adjust to the life and culture in Montpellier as well as potentially provide leads for students seeking apartments.

Students make their own flight arrangements. Airfare may range from $550 to $700 per round trip ticket from Denver to Montpellier.

Program costs
The following are the estimates for some of the expenses students will incur:

Tuition: $1,900 per semester paid to the University of Colorado at Denver

Books: Approximately $100 per semester

Accommodations: Approximately $1,500 per semester

Meals: Approximately $2,000 per semester

Insurance: Approximately $250 per semester

Transportation: Approximately $1,000 per semester (includes airfare)

Personal Expenses: Approximately $ 1,800 per semester

Link to the University of Montpellier II website:



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