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Florence 2001 Summer/Winter/Semester Program
Location: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Florence, Italy
Date: January 27 - April 26, 2002
Course/credit: up to 15 units of CU-Denver credit
Cost estimate: $5,450 plus $200 refundable security deposit
Deadline: April 1, 2002
Prerequisite: One semester of college-level Italian and a minimum GPA of 2.5
Contact: OIE ( or ACCENT (

"How much beauty is here, when, on a fair clear morning, we look from the summit of a hill, on Florence! See where it lies before us in a sun-lighted valley, bright with the winding Arno, and shut by swelling hills; its domes and towers, and palaces, rising from the rich country in a glittering heap, and shining in the sun like gold!"

Spend a Semester in Florence, one of the world's centers of art and culture. Immerse yourself in the language and culture of the Renaissance in a city still adorned with the paintings, sculpture, and architecture of Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Brunelleschi. Florence is your classroom as you study Italian Language, Art History, and History with on-site lectures at the many galleries, museums, and cultural sites throughout the city. The Semester in Florence program offers a unique opportunity to expand your educational experience while earning transferable college credit through the University of Colorado at Denver.

Classes are held at the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian language school located in the heart of Florence's historic city center, and a short walk from the Duomo. The school faculty are native speakers of Italian who are specially trained to teach Italian to foreigners. The Scuola Leonardo da Vinci is a member of the Academia Italiana de Lingua.

Course and Credits Information
Students enrolled in the Semester in Florence program may earn 12 - 18 units of transferable college credit through the University of Colorado at Denver, depending one's progression in Italian language classes at the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci. Students are placed in the appropriate level of language classes according to the results of a proficiency exam, which they take upon arrival in Florence. Students in each of the language levels meet for four weeks, for four hours per day (two hours of grammar and two hours of conversation), five days a week. A progress exam is given at the end of the second week and a proficiency exam at the end of four weeks.

In addition to the required Italian language classes, students may take one or two culture courses taught in English. These courses in art and history integrate traditional classroom teaching with on-site lectures at many of Florence's renowned museums, monuments, and historical sites.

Each course runs for the entire 12 weeks and students can expect to devote approximately four hours per week per class.
ITAL 1995 - 3996: Italian Language & Conversation, 6 - 12 semester units FA 4670: Greek & Roman Art (Fall Semester) HIST 4020: Medieval Europe (Fall Semester) FA 4690: Renaissance Art (Spring Semester) HIST 4021: Renaissance Europe (Spring Semester)

Students may choose to live in double or single rooms in student apartments. The supplement for a single room in a shared apartment is $450. Apartments are located throughout Florence, within walking distance of or a bus ride from school and the city center. Student apartments include shared kitchen facilities. Housing is provided from the first day of the program (January 28, 2002 for the spring).

Students on the Semester in Florence program make their own transatlantic flight arrangements. Students need to arrive in Florence between 9am and 5pm on January 28, 2002. Students will receive detailed instructions with their enrollment materials.

Program costs

The program will cost $5,450 plus airfare and a $150 refundable security deposit Program cost includes: Tuition Double room in a student apartment Two one-day excursions outside of Florence including transportation and guided visits Three-day, two-night excursion to Rome or Venice, including hotel stay, transportation, and guided visits

Cultural activity series including an evening ballet, concert or opera performance Orientation program and walking tour of Florence Overseas information and resource center with ACCENT Florence on-site staff International Student Identity Card (ISIC) with travel health and accident insurance Program cost does not include: Round-trip airfare Optional $450 single room supplement Meals except as specified

Personal expenses, books, school supplies, passports, visas and anything not listed as included



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