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Granada 2001 Summer Program
Location: Granada, Spain
Date: May 12 - 25, 2001
Course/credit: 3 undergraduate or graduate credits in International Marketing
Cost estimate: $2,500 Deadline: April 1, 2002
Deadline: April 1, 2002
Language of Instruction ?
Contact: OIE or professor Mary Lee Stansifer (

Granada, the last Muslim stronghold in Spain, remained under Muslim control from 711 AD when it was conquered by the Arabs, until 1492 when Los Reyes CatŪlicos - Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand-reclaimed the city for Spain. During Arab rule, Granada became one of the wealthiest and most refined cities in Europe - a place where culture, commerce, and industry flourished. The most notable remnant of Arab influence in Granada is the Alhambra: a massive fortress and complex of palaces, which occupies the crown of a hill and overlooks the lower part of the city. Also of interest is the old Arab quarter of Granada. This neighborhood, characterized today by traditional whitewashed Arab villas with luxurious walled gardens called C·rmenes, was once the site of the Moors' first fortress. You can lose yourself among the maze of streets, filled with Muslim ramparts, cisterns, and gates.

The classes will primarily take place at the University of Granada, which lies at the foot of the majestic Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. The origin of the Universidad de Granada can be traced back to the 14th century Arabic University of Madraza. With almost 500 years of history, the University of Granada has increased its influence on the social and cultural environment to become one of the major intellectual centers of Spain.

Course and Credits Information
Marketing in Spain will be offered in a special summer class format. The course will meet briefly on two Saturdays in April in Denver (exceptions will be made for non-local students). The majority of the class will be held in Granada, Spain from May 15 to May 25, 2001. The focus of this class will be marketing in Spain. Before students leave they will look at aspects of cultural issues in Spain and how they impact marketing. In addition, class will discuss what can be learned about Spain in the U.S. Once we arrive in Spain we will re-examine the cultural issues and look at how differently Spain is perceived in the U.S. We will then look at how products are marketed in Spain using field trips to companies and stores and guest lecturers. Cultural excursions will take place in the afternoon. All students will write 2 short papers (one due before we go to Spain and one due after our return), read materials, attend all field trips and lectures and take an exam. Graduate students will be expected to write an additional paper.

Accommodation will be arranged in homestays in Spanish families or in the University of Granada dormitories.

The costs associated with transportation to and from Denver to Granada are not included in the cost of the program. Airfare averages $700-$1,000. International Education will assist the students in making arrangements for the flight to Edinburgh or students may contact travel agents of their own.

Program costs
The program costs are estimated to be $2,500 for 3 hours of CU-Denver credit. Cost includes: $300 program deposit, tuition, fees, accommodation, some excursions, health and medical insurance for the trip (provided with the ISIC card). Cost does not include: round trip airfare, ground transportation, meals, and personal expenses.


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